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SL X/SL MiniMax Bosch Intuvia/Nyon Mount

12,00 €*

Sofort verfügbar, Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage

Produktnummer: i252
Produktinformationen "SL X/SL MiniMax Bosch Intuvia/Nyon Mount"
Lamp holder for the second generation of the Bosch Nyon display (Nyon 2020). For mounting, the pieces of the mount below the handlebars are replaced by the mount for the lamphead.

Suitable for SL X and SL MiniMax.

Note: The SL MiniMax comes with only one thread as standard, therefore the article for the doublethread upgrade must also be ordered (see "Recommended").
Eigenschaften "SL X/SL MiniMax Bosch Intuvia/Nyon Mount"
Geeignet für: SL MiniMax, SL X
Lampenart: E-Bike Beleuchtung
Lampenhalterung: Lenkerhalter (fest montiert)
Lenkertyp: Rundlenker
Lieferumfang "SL X/SL MiniMax Bosch Intuvia/Nyon Mount"
  • 2x Holder arms
  • 2x Screws
Kompabilität "SL X/SL MiniMax Bosch Intuvia/Nyon Mount"

Bosch Nyon2 (2020/21)

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Optional: SL MiniMax with doublethread Housing
By default, the housing of the SL MiniMax for E-bikes is equipped with one thread for mounting the handlebar holder.On request, we can also supply the lamp with a thread on each side. This way, for example, the lamp can also be be mounted on the Syntace TwinFix bracket.IMPORTANT: This article is only valid in conjunction with the SL MiniMax and and cannot be ordered separately.

10,00 €*